Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Member Spotlight :: Jama Finney

Jama Finney, Cake Artist

CAKE ZEN - Couture Cakes & Custom Confections

21 5th Street NE

Carmel, IN  46032
*By Appointment Only*
317/721-2253 phone

What is your title and position at your current company?  Owner/Cake & Pastry Artist

What does your company do? How is it different than others like it? Cake Zen is a custom wedding cake and dessert boutique specializing in handmade cakes and fillings as well as designer dessert displays.  Unique flavors and fillings made with top notch dairy, fruits and chocolates with a European flair and out of the box designs set us apart from our peers in the wedding cake industry.

How many years have you been in the industry? Cakes & Pastries 2.5 years full-time (6 years part-time and in culinary school).  I was an event planner for 15 years out of college before "retiring" and starting my 2nd career!

What was your very first job? Ice Cream Scooper at Baskin Robins

What lead you in into the event industry? As a member of the Ball State University Program board I coordinated campus events for students and families while finishing my degree.  My first "break" into the industry was an internship with the 500 Festival Committee assisting in the planning of the Indy 500 Parade.  That internship was an excellent springboard into the world of events.

Why did you decide to join ISES? I regularly attended meetings years ago, but priorities changed with a full time career and a young family.  I always missed the camaraderie and networking that go hand in hand with ISES.  Many of the event professionals I respect the most are a part of the Indiana Chapter.  Plus, I am tired of experiencing the Pace Awards through text on my couch at home!

What are you looking to gain out of our ISES membership and how can we help you achieve that?  I am hoping to gain a solid professional support network and contribute my experience in the events industry to help others build their own businesses.

What is your most memorable event? Why? Zoobilation 2010 at the Indianapolis Zoo.  As I was developing the business plan and solidifying commercial kitchen plans for Cake Zen I had the opportunity to assist in coordinating this spectacular event.  There are SO many moving pieces to working an event at a Zoo and I had no previous non-profit experience so that was unique for me as well.  Not only did I have access to learn the delicate eco-systems and environments that make up our Zoo, I had the pleasure of meeting and creating relationships with all of the amazing volunteers and sponsors that allow this event to happen on a yearly basis.  It was truly and education and a pleasure!

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? I love black and white photography, Muscle Cars and old time Wurlitzers.

If you were not in the event industry, what would be your dream job?  I'm pretty sure my alter ego would have me tattooed covered with a nose ring running a beach side bar (and patisserie) in Bora Bora.  Or a rock goddess.  It's a toss up!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Member Spotlight :: John Mays

John Mays
Chef Joseph's at The Connoisseur Room
115 East Ohio Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204

What is your title and position at your current company?  Proprietor
What does your company do? How is it different than others like it?   We are a restaurant by day and event space in the evenings and weekends.  We serve "World Fusion" Cuisine in an elegant atmosphere.
How many years have you been in the industry? 13 years
What was your very first job?  Janitor at a Crandall Physical Arts Center in Pendleton
What lead you in into the event industry?  While working in Welfare Reform, I had a vision of open a catering staffing business that provided additional employment for people coming off of welfare.  Clent demand led me into the event planning end, which fueled my desire to be a restaurateur.
Why did you decide to join ISES?  In order to connect with others in the industry to better provide for our customer's needs.
What are you looking to gain out of our ISES membership and how can we help you achieve that?  Connections and knowledge -meetings, mixers and information packages
What is your most memorable event? Why? A recent 70th birthday/pre-rapture party was enormously fun to put together and bring to fruition.
What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?  I used to sing competitively.
If you were not in the event industry, what would be your dream job?  Ski instructor.
